A few students going to their school in a van

Collaborate with AlterYouth

The alteryouth app is a scholarship tool that enables people like us to directly support students stay in school and away from child labor. Statistically, there are more of us worldwide than the number of vulnerable students in our schools. And hypothetically, when every single student in Bangladesh who could have dropped out of school is supported with a scholarship from one of us, Bangladesh would have its first 100% literate generation; changing the entire trajectory of the nation.

However, for this grand vision to succeed, the existence of the alteryouth app alone is not enough but awareness of its existence needs to reach every Bengali worldwide. We believe it is critical for the world to know about alteryouth and understand how it works in order to achieve the grand vision of a fully literate Bangladesh.

If you are a person/organization who has the ability to help achieve the grand vision, we look forward to collaborating with you and working together to build a better Bangladesh.