The Uber for Scholarships
A platform connecting the world with financially struggling students
in Government Primary Schools of Bangladesh
Transfer directly
Your scholarship is transferred directly to your student's family on their mobile bank account.
Get school reports
View attendance data and report cards from your student's school, until completion of Class 5.
Ensure a literate citizen
Your scholarship continues until completion of class 5, when your student achieves literacy.
The Uber
for scholarships
A platform connecting the world
with financially struggling students in
Government Primary Schools of Bangladesh
The Scholarship Community
Every scholarship begins with shipping a mobile phone to the parent of the student. Then they create their own mobile bank account
using that phone, to start receiving their child's scholarships directly, every month.
Every scholarship begins with shipping a mobile phone to the parent of the student. Then they create their own mobile bank account using that phone, to start receiving their child's scholarships directly, every month.
Only students who are currently enrolled in Government Primary Schools and fall
under any
of the following criteria are eligible to apply
for scholarships
Student's father is physically unable
to work
Student's father is deceased or has abandoned the family
Both parents are deceased or have abandoned the child
You can be
in the world
While students
get closer to
their dreams
In Bangladesh, while 98% of children enroll in school, 2 million children drop out to work before achieving literacy in order to support their families financially. On the flipside, Bangladesh has a diaspora population of 10 million in advanced economies who wish to make an impact on their homeland. AlterYouth, imagine Uber for scholarships, is a C2C scholarship app enabling users from around the world to start scholarships directly for financially struggling students in Government Primary Schools of Bangladesh, through digital banking.
Here's a 100 second video that takes you to a village of Bangladesh and shows how your scholarship impacts a day in the life of a student who needs it
Winner of Google Business Group Stories
"Asia Pacific
SDG Enterprise Award"
SDG Enterprise Award"
Winner of Google Business Group Stories